Swiss Inn Batam

Hotel Swiss Inn, Batam....the hour is 11.00am.

We just stepped into the hotel lobby. At first glance, the hotel looks pretty new. Unfortunately, the impression of the rooms ... was a little disappointing.

First our rooms were incorrect. They gave us double bed rooms instead of Twin Sharing as I had requested. Luckily, we were able to get the twin sharing rooms instead.

Ahhh...I forgot to mention my four buddies' names...They are Theresal, Ean Peng and Li Li.

Theresal and I were sharing a room...and our room was not bad. Poor Ean Peng and Li Li had to change rooms again later part of the day as their room's air conditioning just refused to work!

We did offer to swap with them...but somehow along the way...that just slipped our minds. We were lucky that the hotel was not running on full occupancy, so Ean Peng and Li Li managed to get another room ...just that it was on another floor.

Best part of this deal...was it so cheap! Amazingly cheap.....though it was a technical error on the hotel's part for publishing the rates wrongly. Well too bad! They just have to be professional and honor the rates. .... if you want to know the rates I got....drop me a comment....I might just tell you...