Shopping in Batam

2 hours shopping in Batam is definitely not enough! If you love shopping that is...., much to our dismay that was all we had.

If you want to do shopping, make sure you have more time. And do remember to bring more cash. Things at Batam are generally cheaper than in Singapore. So, you could be shopping till your drop. It is tough to control your spending as the exchange rate is so favourable for us who carries Singapore dollars. Unless you want to keep a good control of your budget, then bring only what you want to spend. You might get carried away from shopping at Batam.

If you are there mainly to shop, then change more Rps. The exchange rate provided at the retail shops are much lower compared to the money changer. Batam City Shopping Centre has a few money changers for tourist to change currency. However, do prepare some Rps if you intend to shop. Other than Batam City Shopping Centre, you can try changing at the Jetty which is just across the road.

Most places accept credit cards but just in case of breakdowns, it's best to have cash with you. Credit is good but be best have cash at hand. Shop till you drop if you need retail therapy. :-)

A reminder i "Don't forget to have enough cash for your exit tax at the harbour. You can either pay in Singapore dollars or Rp. So be prepared cause this amount you need to pay in cash.

The little grocery shop at the harbour has a lot of snacks you can buy before departure. Just in case you ran out of time to shop for tidbits at the shopping mall. :)