Batam Farewell

Theresal and I could hardly sleep. My handphone kept receiving smses and Theresal just was no used to the place. I couldn't blame her....even I was tossing and turning all night long.

We finally gave up and decided that it was time to get up for breakfast....that was 830am. So, while Theresal was getting ready, I gave a tinkle to Li Li and Ean Peng...pretty much a wake up call.

At 9am,, we were attacking the breakfast buffet. We were just greedy and I tried almost all the items on the table. Hey, it's my birthday, so I decided that I would just pigged out for the day. I just couldn't care less about all the calories I was munching down...The breakfast was not great but it's not bad either.

At 930am, the other two girls joined us...and we finished our breakfast by 1015am. We checked out at 1045am and heaaded to Batam Centre Megamall for some last minute shopping and lunch.

Boy, we took our time to shop....unfortunately, our time constraint didn't allow us much time to shop to our desire. I guess we are just shopaholics..... :)

We hada quick lunch and we were off chasing our ferry back to Singapore. Even just 10 minutes before our departure, we made a pitstop to buy snacks back... We caught our ferry just in the nick of time. Phew! What a trip! Fun
Batam, we're coming back again...see ya soon!