Sunday, April 5, 2009

Escapade to Batam

4 April 2009, a little over 8 years in Singapore, and it was the first time I decide to make a trip to Batam with my colleagues and my best friend from KL. Four of us took the ferry to Batam and planned to head for a weekend of relaxation and food spree.

The day started off with two of my colleagues arriving at Harbourfront, where we are to get our ferry tickets. Well, it's the weekend, and it's really hard to wake up in time. Anyhow as I had factored in for any delays....we managed to secure the ferry tickets an hour later than we had planned. Which is still fine for us. :)

We had a good Subway breakfast and headed for the ferry check-in.

Our ferry was very punctual and we arrived in Batam Centre exactly 1 hour later. This is where and how our two days journey start...

At the harbour, we went through customs which was pretty efficient so we were out at the door in a matter of minutes. We were greeted by people yelling "Taxi? Taxi? Go where?" when we walked towards the exit. Soon enough we bargained for Rp 40,000 to go to our hotel.

Our journey in the taxi was an eye opening experience. After a few minutes in the taxi, the driver switched on his mp4 player. All four of us were happily sitting in the taxi excited about our trip, little did we know, we were in for a surprise in the taxi. A matter of seconds and we were treated to a porno show in the taxi! Thank God our journey to the hotel was not too long. Now we know why Singaporean men like to flock to Batam for weekend trips....

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